Canine Connection offers dog bathing by appointment 7 days a week. Bathing includes a shampoo, a brush and blow out as well as a complimentary ear cleaning. Additional services are available by request. We offer several shampoo options to meet the needs of our canine friends including those with sensitive and dry skin. Reservations are required for all bathing services. We ask for pets to be dropped off no later than 11am on their appointment date.
All prices are subject to change.
Prior to your appointment pet(s) must be up-to-date with the following vaccinations:
- DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo, Parainfluenza)
- Leptospirosis
- Bordetella
- Rabies
All vaccines must be administered by a veterinarian and proof is required. Vaccinations administered at home will not be accepted. We do not accept titer tests as proof of current vaccination.
Please call (504)218-4098 to schedule an appointment.
Fillable Forms: Dog Profile | General Terms and Conditions